
Public Affairs Test

Neil Warner applied to the CCRC for a review of his conviction in June 2003. Many issues were raised in order to prove Warners supposed innocence. After reviewing the case again, new evidence came to light that could portray this. Miss Lawson who worked for a taxi firm stated that somebody came to the taxi office covered in blood and was driven away by Mr Peters. This person was not Mr Warner and this new evidence given brought to light that maybe there are other people who could of committed this crime.
During this time, there was a known sexual rapists around who was nicknamed the Vampire. Ultimately, he had still not yet been caught and could of been around the area of Easthampton during the time of the murders. Not only this but Mr Martin Smith, who reported seeing a suspicious man wondering around the area on the night of the murder, was found to have a connection with harassment; which was found when the case was reopened. Also Mr Smith's fingerprints were found on the Pool's porch. By the CCRC reopening the case with a section 19 it allowed the correct suspect to come to light.

Personally, I believe Mr Warner committed the murders of Mr and Mrs Pool, due to formidable evidence. Mr Warners fingerprints were found in the place where the murder weapon; the knife, was kept. Not only this but his fingerprints were also found at the points of entry, the dining room door, on the blue v neck pull over and footprints were found which related to his DNA. Mr Warner stated that he wondered into the house when he was drunk and disorderly only to steal some of their possessions. Consequently, Mr Knox who shares a caravan with Warner stated that Warner came home at 2:45am but Warner stated he was lying and he actually came home around 12am. By looking at this evidence due to inconsistencies it seems there is something not right about the whereabouts of Warner that night. When the CCRC originally reopened the case with a section 19, putting a senior officer on to the case, the evidence was formidable and even more so now. Fibres from Mr Warner were found upstairs and along with his fingerprints all over the house, the evidence against him became even stronger.

I believe the CCRC did the correct thing by closing the case. Although I feel that some strings have been left unattached regarding the case of Mr Smith and Mr Rogers 'the Vampire', there is too much evidence that points towards Mr Warner. I agree with the fact that they reopened the case with a senior officer as I felt that more evidence was needed to convict Mr Warner and prove his guilt. The fact that Warner took Mr Pool's jumper, had his jeans washed at 3am that morning and the time of his arrival home had inconsistencies seems to portray the verdict. Concluding, I believe Mr Warner committed the murders of Mr and Mrs Pool due to formidable evidence regarding his fingerprints near where the weapon was kept and on the points of entry.

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