Week 10, Wednesday Bulletin De-brief
We should have a shed load of stories with many more waiting in the side lines. Sometimes we struggle to get the right stories, but 7 days is a long time to get stories for just one day. We should have bulletins fit to burst.
We are a team, we have to pull up our own ideas and bring them in, rather than relying on the news editor.
Some really good stories this week, could of spiced up some of the headlines however. We got slightly over excited with the voice of god, some of the levels were peaking.
Callum Uni Strike Package - NAT SOT at the beginning is perfect and gives a good idea of what’s going on. The interviewee was very tall in comparison to Callum so it was hard with the sound etc. Good angles, good interviews, but Angus still wanted to know what it was about. More flesh about why lecturers are striking.
It’s lazy journalism when a microphone is in shot as the audience don’t need to see it.
Sam - The script is the most important thing. Covered that as well as any professional did it, very good as he could of easily panicked and stared at the camera but he covered it.
Liam Sir George Young Package - Sir George Young his sound levels are way too high. Not Liam’s normal beat and the political story was different to what he normally does but he did a good job. He’s in the right place, it looks professional, he’s thought about what he was doing. Although he didn’t get an interview with Sir George Young and a previous interview with him was used.
Zeena Drivers Package- Best thing would of been to see Police going on Bus’s to see drivers on their phones etc as they have better eye-line to see this on buses. However, the fact Zeena has used the use of filming the piece to camera on bus was very good. Graphics were used well as well. Phone interview was better than no interview.
Harvey Unemployment Package - Lovely seeing him with the Virgin Mary and looking christmassy, but he needed to say something as it looked like someone made him do it. Made a bit out of one interview, it just needs case studies and people involved otherwise it can become slightly dry.
Tom Death Row Package - Angus isn’t sure where it sits in the bulletin or where it’s place is. When he says ‘more is being done by Journalism students than Law students‘ we could of mentioned the Innocence Project since it’s right on our doorstep and the package missed this. You also need to talk to students, and how this could of empowered them to do something to help innocent people. Sometimes you need to look outside and think what could be added to this and the innocence project would of be brilliant in this story.
Sport - It needs to be softened up, it’s only sport. Drew needs to not say what he says sometimes, however the story was very nicely paced. Laura fell in to two places on where the story should be. Either really be a part of it, or just make it more of them and interview the people who are doing it. Always take a spare battery as often many people have problems with the cameras and equipment.
Access Winchester And Finally - ‘It’s a tongue and cheek guide‘ there was nothing tongue and cheek about what was put in so it needed to be set up properly.
We worked on the underlays and we got it timed in the end. No matter how many times you time something in the office, once you are in the studio it changes so sometimes it needs practice and changing slightly e.g. too many words etc. Angus was not sure about the order of the stories today, he would be guided by the editorial value first.
A pretty good end to this term of WINOL.
Poonam Pahal - BBC South
Really impressed with the set up, Poonam thinks we are very lucky to have what we have here. All in all, she was very impressed with today’s bulletin, we had a good choice of stories and they were the right ones to plug. Something to start to think about when filming, is what shots would look good where, it’s a good thing to bear in mind as it helps editors putting things together.
Liam Sir George Young - Very impressed with the graphics use in this, there was a lot to tell so the use of graphics was really important. What Poonam would of liked to know is what George Young did locally as that’s important. Could of done some vox pops on what people thought about what he did etc just to break it up. Check facts!
Zeena Drivers Package - With a bit of forward planning with that one, we could of got the police on the bus etc. A phone clip is better than no interview. ‘Putting the breaks on’ is a good line. What is the view out of the window, why is it a vantage point to police to view things from this angle? That would of been a good extra shot to use.
Harvey Unemployment - Explain where the jobs have gone, numbers etc. We are talking about the mass job losses in Hampshire, would of been good to put it in context. It’s a story that keeps giving, and it’s good to bring it back around Christmas as it’s relevant. When you only have one interviewee it’s harder to expand it so a piece to camera outside somewhere different would of been beneficial.
Tom Death Row - A nice talker, the interviewee helped out quite a lot with exactly what he said. Good clips, good talker. This package was slightly pictured challenged so a few different shots of books he has wrote or something would of been beneficial. When using the shot of the lecture hall, there are tons of students so it would of been good to get quotes and vox pops of some of those students about what they thought of him.
Sport - Would of been nice for Tom to introduce himself, as we are all friends and a team. The football story was about how many goals they got, so many some ticks as they got the goals would of sped the story up slightly. Laura’s handball story was good with lots of action, good to have a go as it breaks it up a bit. Lots of reference to it’s success at the Olympics but nothing more so that could of been brought up slightly more and explained.
Access - A good tease, made Poonam want a bit more which is always a good thing. If we are thinking about the student audience, that is relevant and the teasers were good.
Don’t be afraid with OOV’s, you can bring the pictures in whenever you like i.e. after four or five words. Beaulieu was a relevant OOV as it’s local. Nice to have some short sharp OOV’s in the programme.
Really pleased to see proper packaging going on with sequences of shots, NAT SOT etc. We are still coming back with not quite enough shots, it makes it so much easier when editing to have loads of shots to choose from then you can make the best package possible. We once again did a piece on the day, generally to have this it’s authentic and that’s what we want to be doing. Although it’s tougher for production, that is how it is sometimes. Ian agree’s with Angus that we are too light this week, without some of the set pieces we would be even more light. We all have to work harder to find more local stories, we need to be news junkies and ask questions such as how can I develop this, what would improve this etc. We want to be in the position where we can drop something, if it’s not working, then move on to something else. If necessary, be editing on the Wednesday morning. No one should sit back and think there is already enough stories as there is never enough, we all need to be pushing more as we have great facilities and options.
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