
Dr Fashions Eastleigh Emergency

John O’Farrell – Labour Candidate
Every time I look at this image of Labour candidate John O’Farrell all I can see is that spotty tie. It’s said that most men have a good handful of ties stacked at home, and surely there could have been a better choice than this. It’s also at the length that screams ‘rebellious school child’ who feels the need to wear their tie much shorter than the school regulations allow. The men always get away with the outfit interrogation a lot more than the ladies, as it’s simply not that hard to get a half decent suit and make sure you look smart. So apart from the hideous clown tie, John O’Farrell does look smart and suitable for campaigning.

Maria Hutchings – Conservative Candidate

Image CC – Eastleigh_news’ photostream
By simply looking at the images used for Maria’s campaign, I would mostly have complimentary things to say. Unfortunately, being realistic, the real un-airbrushed images give off a completely different look. The Tory candidates 80’s power dressing look enforces the idea that she’s jumped out of the TV show Dallas. The slightly tie-dye/vomit looking dress used in the image shown is extremely inappropriate in my opinion. Considering Maria wants votes from respected members of society, her dress rises up a little too much for my liking, no one wants to see anymore thank you! Ultimately, wanting trust from your voters is not going to work if you use images in your campaign that look like you, but 30 years younger with a few nip and tucks.

Diane James – UKIP Candidate (UK Independence Party)
Diane what are you hiding under that coat? OK, yes, it has been extremely cold outside recently but surely there could be a better choice of coat in any high-street store, even Primark! Diane looks like a walking sleeping bag, who reminds me more of a dog walker than an actual candidate for the election. I definitely reckon a lot of improvement could be made with Diane James’ wardrobe choices.

Mike Thornton – Liberal Democrats Candidate
Without mentioning another disastrous spotty tie, plus the fact that both Mike Thornton and John O’Farrell are wearing ties that match their campaign colour, Mike Thornton has impressed me. His suit is extremely well fitted to his frame, without the jacket being too short. He has also worn his tie at an acceptable length and is wearing his shirt tucked nicely into his trousers. This all gives off the ‘vote for me, I dress well’ look. I have to say out of all the male candidates, he certainly has Dr. Fashion’s approval.

Gordon Brown – Image CC Steve Bowbrick

I wouldn’t be the first person to criticise Gordon’s dress sense. As the years have gone by, admittedly he has improved in the dress department. Having his shirts actually tucked in for once has to be a great improvement from looking like he’s been dragged backwards through a bush. However, I have to say, he is still a complete fashion catastrophe. 

His suit jacket looks a bit too tight round the waist, maybe a size bigger wouldn’t go amiss, Gordon.

David Cameron – Image CC Steve Bowbrick
On the other hand from Brown, David Cameron has more of an Armani slick style, than Gordon Browns second hand non-ironed fashion choices. David’s wife Samantha Cameron could be said to be a bit of a ‘fashion leader’ amongst the political fashionistas. Both Mr and Mrs Cameron always are seen to be very well put together, wearing appropriate clothing and coming off as both presentable and stylish. Maybe Mr Brown should be taking some fashion advice from this pair.

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