This is my first review of Winol, but I have to start this post off (being geuinley truthful, not being a bumlick) I was extremely impressed! The professional nature of the whole show was very high and all of those involved maintained very professional throughout. The introduction of the bulletin was of a very high standard however I did think (this may be just my judgement) but a few of the clips seeed to cut off slightly quickly, resulting in the last word of speech being left out. The interview with the MP outside parliment was VERY VERY VERY professional in my opinion, and I was extremely impressed by this. The whole clip itself was something that would be seen on the BBC and therefore I think the Winol team should definitely be proud of that. The clip relating to the campaigns in Bournemouth could of been improved only slightly due to the wind in the background making it difficult to concentrate on what the speaker was saying.
Back on good terms, the Sport section was outstanding and I feel that the commentary and variation of local sports was very good. However, at the end of the Sport section, it was cut off very quickly so maybe a smoother transition could of made it slightly better? Ahhh, I hate giving critism so i'm sorry!
Finally, the sneak-preview of Winol Life included very good features and a good insight into what we as the audience had in store however the background music used felt a bit cheesy, but otherwise that is the only bad point!
I hope my critism can be taken as constructive and I wasn't too mean, but I honestly have to say Brian is right, Winol is definitely the best online student run news programme in the country and I am extremely impressed with the professional quality of the programme itself, aslong with the students involved.
I have to disagree with you about WINOL Life having cheesy music. WINOL Life is based on a chat show and produced fortnightly, its aim is to be fun, friendly and generally much more relaxed than the weekly news bulletin. It is a chance to show guests from the industry the features that WINOL produce. Therefore, this music has been chosen to highlight this. I appreciate your opinion though.